All I can say is Wow, this has been a busy but interesting first three months of 2011. January was a pretty busy month between work, family (the Wilde-side and the West-side) and church. My Sunbeams from 2010 graduated and they move to an older class. The first week without my boys was tough, they looked so grown up in the older class. I was actually kind of thankful that my kids didn't combine Sharks or Godzilla in the lesson. My new Sunbeams class I only had three kids, two boys and one girl, I got to know them very well. Febuary came a new job and saying good-bye to my friends at my old job. I stil keep in contact with my friends from my old job and have gone out to lunch with them a few times since and send emails back and forth. Now, with the new job I had to make new friends, which I think I make friends very easily. Its nice being back in the Pharmacy Technician field again, I have missed it tons. I thought that I have maybeforgot most of the Pharmacy stuff, but it's like riding a bike.
March was also a hectic month....again still learn the new job. Then, the Wildebunch had a new arrival Brendon Zander Wilde on March 20, 2011 and let's face it he his going to be a chick magnet when he grows up. With Mike helping bring a new life into the world, I was worried, just kidding Little Brother. I mean, I had no worries with Brittney (Mike's wife). I am proud to say I the MOST cutest neices and nephews EVER, the Wilde's and the West's Sides. On the Westside, Grandma Brown (Don's Grandmother) had a heart attack and the doctor found clots in her heart and fluid in her lungs. When she was in the hospital I visited her everyday, when she came out Don and I spent the night watching over her. I think bugged my mother-in-law Nadine by cleaning Grandma's house top to bottom.....I was BORED, plus I am just a tad bit OCD. Also with my National Pharm Tech License I had to cram 20 hours of Continuing Education in 1 week, I do that every two years I wait till the last minute and cram CE's so I can renew. I always think okay I'll start doing mine earlier so I don't have to rush and cram, then time goes by and I forget, then it's cramming time. With church I got released from the Sunbeams and got put in the Nursery, which I love....who doesn't want to play with toys and eat goldfish for two hours.
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